09 Sep 2024
The GEO5 software has been localized to the Korean language in cooperation with EG Soft Consulting, our South Korean partner. Enjoy a wide scale of programs in different language versions for your foreign contracts. GEO5 is currently in 22 languages!
09 May 2024
The latest update brings the new generation of Prefab wall and many other improvements in all programs.
13 Nov 2023
The Edition 2024 released the new Laboratory program and many other improvements.
11 Nov 2022
The new Edition released Data Collector mobile app, Point Cloud program and many other improvements.
11 May 2022
The latest update brings the new module Slope Stability - Water Flow and many other improvements.
09 Nov 2021
The new version brings many features that allow working according to the principles of geotechnical BIM and other improvements within GEO5 programs.
19 May 2021
The new update brings a new way of importing geological maps and site investigation data to the Stratigraphy program and many improvements across all GEO5 programs.
Get more information about GEO5 2021 Update.
16 Nov 2020
The new edition introduces the new feature Annexes in all programs, two new modules (Stratigraphy - Earthworks and FEM - Earthquake), and many other improvements.
08 Jun 2020
The Spring Update brings more than 30 improvements across all GEO5 programs and introduces new engineering manuals. Get more information about GEO5 Spring Update.
21 Mar 2020
Many of our users now have to work from home. We would like to help in this difficult situation and offer the following options:
Switch to Network license for half price
You can switch the local license to the network license for 15% of the program price (standard offer is 30 %) and the cost of network hardware key. The program version you are using will remain the same. If you would like to use the latest Edition 2020 you need to buy the Upgrade first.
Additional license for half price
We offer the second and additional licenses for 50 % off the standard price. The offer applies to additional local licenses as well as network licenses. The additional licenses will be in the same version as you are using now. If you would like to use the latest Edition 2020 you need to buy the Upgrade first.
Use temporary Software Key (Local)
The ordered hardware key for the local license can be temporarily replaced by a software key, which is sent via email immediately. The hardware key will be delivered as soon as possible. You pay the cost of the hardware and the software key.
If interested, please, contact us via email hotline@fine.cz. The offer is valid until further notice depending on the current situation.
01 Nov 2019
The Edition 2020 introduces the new tool Annotations in all GEO5 programs, simplified 3D subsoil modeling in Stratigraphy and many other improvements across all GEO5 programs.
11 Jun 2019
We took over Altap, a well-known supplier of the Salamander software. By this growth, we acquire an experienced development team for file and document management tools and we can also provide Altap Salamander software for free. More at www.altap.cz.
10 May 2019
We introduce GEO5 2019 Spring Update news. Get more information about GEO5 Spring Update.
15 Nov 2018
We are pleased to announce that GEO5 2019 is now on general release. This release includes major developments to the Stratigraphy program, site investigation Logs and Cross Sections modules, the BIM functionality and the ability to display structure and/or site locations in Google Maps.
We now offer six standard packages, each package is comprised of several programs, at very attractive prices together with discounted annual maintenance and lease plans.
Get more information about new Edition 2019.
07 May 2018
Spring update brings a number of improvements in our programs:
Learn more about our Spring update or try the Demo version.
Site Investigation module release is postponed to November 2018, as we want to support all requested functions in the required quality.
As our apologize Stratigraphy users will receive 2019 version for free.
Fine Maintenance subscribers and GEO5 2018 users can download and install the Spring Update for free. Other users can calculate the price of the Single Upgrade in our Shop - just log into your account.
08 Jan 2018
The GEO5 software has been localized to Bulgarien language in cooperation with Start Consult EOOD, our Bulgarian partner. Enjoy a wide scale of programs in different language versions for your foreign contracts. GEO5 is currently in 17 languages!
03 Nov 2017
The new Edition brings two new programs Stratigraphy and Spread Footing CPT. It also features number of major improvements.
Watch a short video about Stratigraphy program for assessment of results from site investigation.
Take a look at more information about new GEO5 2018 Edition.
Try our Demo Version for yourself.
05 May 2017
Spring update brings the new Software key option (Node-lock) and also a number of improvements and new features in our programs:
We would also like to introduce our new software package GEO5 Redi-Rock Wall for a complete design of prefabricated retaining walls using the system by Redi-Rock Inc. (USA).
Learn more about our Spring update or try the Demo version.
Fine Maintenance subscribers and GEO5 2017 users can download and install the Spring update for free. Other users can calculate the price of a Single Upgrade in our Shop – all you need to do is log in to your account.
31 Oct 2016
GEO5 2017 features many changes and improvements. Simply try our Demo version without any analysis restrictions.
Fine Maintenance subscribers can download and install the new Edition for free. Other customers can calculate the price of their Single Upgrade in our Shop – just sign into your account or contact us.
Fine Maintenance subscribers can also enjoy the new discount on purchase of new programs or additional licenses of already purchased programs.
30 Sep 2016
The GEO5 geotechnical software suite passed the evaluation process and met all the criteria set by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China (MOHURD).
Nanjing Kulun software, our exclusive dealer in China, satisfied the extensive requirements regarding standards, specifications and methods of analysis. A committee of eight experts found GEO5 software suitable to perform geotechnical analyses with credible results based on theory and engineering experience.
GEO5 now joins the few civil engineering programs chosen to receive this certification, which is also a testament to the quality of GEO5 solutions and its commitment to the Asian market.
10 Jun 2016
We are pleased to announce the release of the update of Redi-Rock Wall Freeware, which brings following improvements:
• New graphical user interface
• Automatic notification of new versions
• Simplified stone leveling pad input options
• Changes to the surcharge and load input options
Redi-Rock Wall Analysis Software is freeware tool package specifically created for Redi-Rock Inc. (USA) to analyze gravity walls and take full advantage of the multiple solutions provided by Redi-Rock.
Existing software users can get the updates by running the "Update GEO5 for Redi" program that was installed with Redi-Rock Wall or simply download the Redi-Rock Wall for Free.
Also the verification manuals for GEO5 Redi Rock Wall in metric as well as imperial units has been released.
03 May 2016
Spring update of the GEO5 2016 software brings:
Furthermore, we present new training materials, as well as updated materials for GEO5 2016.
Take a look at more information about Spring Update or simply try our Demo Version for yourself.
Fine Maintenance subscribers and GEO5 2016 users can download and install the Spring Update for free. Other users can calculate the price of the Single Upgrade in our Shop – just log into your account.
01 Nov 2015
GEO5 2016 features new program Anti-Slide Pile and many other major improvements:
Take a look at more information about GEO5 2016 or simply try our Demo Version for yourself.
Fine Maintenance subscribers can download and install the new Edition for free. Other customers can calculate the price of their Single Upgrade in our Shop – just sign into your account or contact us.
25 Sep 2015
GEO5 2016 comes with many important improvements and changes.
New system of releases
Fine Software changes the method of new releases, as of November 1st 2015. The reason for the revision is to provide better services to our customers and mainly faster availability of new program
New program Anti-Slide Pile
New features brought by GEO5 2016
- Program Controls and Appearance
- 3D Visualization and Settings
- Improvements in the FEM program
- Field Tests Support
Further information in the GEO5 2016
14 Mar 2014
GEO5 geotechnical software, developed by Fine s.r.o., recently won the “Top Builder 2014” prize in Poland. Builder, the well-known Polish building magazine, is each year the organizer of the award. The winners were announced during "BUDMA 2014", the international construction fair.
Monika Mitew-Czajewska (MMGEO), our exclusive reseller in Poland, received the prize “Top Builder 2014” for GEO5 software.
19 Nov 2013
Fine introduced GEO5 geotechnical software at the 2th International Congress of Deep Foundations in Mexico city (November 14-15).
During the International Congress "II Simposio internacional de cimentaciones profundas" in Mexico City, Fine introduced to the Mexican market his software GEO5 to solve geotechnical problems, in a stand where interest, exchange of experiences and projects generated a good environment where engineers, teachers, students, private and public companies show particularly interested in our solution. We like to share with our users and customers this experience, and we are looking forward for our next meeting.
14 Oct 2013
We are pleased to announce the release of GEO5 version 17, which brings LRFD 2012 standards, Spread footing uplift check, Bustamante methods in Micropile and many other features and enhancements within GEO5 programs.
We are also releasing two new parts of Engineering manuals, where first part is focused on Pile analysis and second on Finite element analysis.
You can read the full list of improvements.
Fine Maintenance subscribers can take advantage of immediate upgrade to GEO5 version 17.
Other GEO5 users can get the latest version by purchasing Single Upgrade.
Single upgrade from v16 to v17 = 10% of price of all license.
Price of Single Upgrade from older versions can be easily obtained in our e-shop – sign in to your account.
Download GEO5 demo v17 – Try our software without any analysis limitations!
Follow us in social media - By becoming a fan on Facebook or subscribing to our videos on Youtube, you can make sure that you hear the latest things first.
17 Sep 2013
The second part of GEO5 Engineering manuals, focused on the analysis of pile foundations, has been released.
The objective of second part is to explain the practical use of programs for the analysis of pile foundations in GEO5. GEO 5 software contains three pile foundation analysis programs – Piles, Pile CPT and Pile Group. The Engineering manuals contains closer explanation of which of the programs is to be used under particular conditions.
The great advantage of GEO5 software is the possibility to try more variants and analysis methods, find the most likely behaviour of the pile foundation and subsequently determine the total bearing capacity or settlement of a single pile or a pile group.
Explore all possibilities of GEO5 - download Engineering Manual - Part 2 for free.
10 Dec 2012
New version of GEO5 has been released with a new system for administration of analysis settings, Pile Group program and many other improvements.
We are pleased to announce the release of GEO5 version 15. The most important change in version 15 is the new system for input of analysis settings, which makes the work with programs very comfortable.
We also release the long-awaited program Pile Group in version 15. There are also the further modifications and improvements within GEO5 programs.
Try new features in the demoversion (v15).
Maintenance subscribers can download GEO5 version 15 for free. The other GEO5 users can get the latest version by purchasing Single Upgrade.
10 Dec 2012
The new program Pile Group has been released along with GEO5 version 15. Program is used for analysis of group of piles (raft foundation, pile cap).
We would like to proudly present the new program - Pile Group. Program is used for analysis of group of piles (raft foundation, pile cap) using both spring method (FEM) and analytical approaches.
You can find futher information about Pile Group or download demoversion (v15) to try it for yourself.
Or you can check another improvements in GEO5 version 15.
13 Jun 2012
New GEO5 version 14 has been released. It brings many improvements like Axisymetry in FEM program, Chinese and Russian Standards (SNIP,GB), Graphical printouts with table of soils.
Further info about improvements and new tools in GEO5 version 14. Try new features in the demoversion .
Maintenance subscribers can install GEO5 version 14.
The other GEO5 users can get the latest version by purchasing Single Upgrade.
03 Nov 2011
The new program MSE Wall (GEO5 v13) has been released. It is used to verify mechanically stabilized earth walls.
You can find futher information about MSE Wall or download demoversion to try it for yourself.
Or you can check another improvements in GEO5 version 13.
03 Nov 2011
New GEO5 version 13 (English) has been released. It brings many improvements like modelling of water as a result of water flow analyses (FEM), seismic design (EC8), improved output reports etc.
Also the new program MSE Wall for design of mechanically stabilized earth walls has been released along with GEO5 version 13.
Further info about improvements and new tools in GEO5 version 13.
Existing users may check their license and install latest software.
Other users may try demoversion for themselves.
07 Mar 2011
New RTF exports for MS Word, program Plate, new methods in program Slope Stability and analysis of consolidation in program Settlement. Further information about GEO5 version 12.
09 Dec 2010
JSC Reconstruktsiya, exclusive dealer in Russia, has been going through the application process for the Russian GOST-R Certificate of Conformity.
The application process has now been successfully concluded and we are happy to announce that on 3rd of December 2010 the Russian government certified that all GEO5 products are conform to the Russian State Standard.
Download and view the full certificate.
For more information on this please contact our Russian distributor.
12 Aug 2010
Version 11 brings the new program Beam, FEM-Water Flow, new methods in program Piles, National Annexes to EN 1997 and another improvements. Further information about GEO5 version 11.
17 Feb 2010
GEO5 Redi Rock Wall program with option "Analyses according to LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design)" has been released.
26 Nov 2009
New release - GEO5 users with activated program Fine Maintenance can download and install GEO5 version 10. Read the release notes.
28 May 2009
GEO5 users with activated program Fine Maintenance can download and install upgrade 5.9, which contains number of new features and improvements.
21 Aug 2008
Download the Croatian version of GEO5 demo. GEO5 Demo in other languages is also available.
03 Jul 2008
Geotechnical software package GEO5 has been localized to Russian language. Download the Russian version of GEO5 demo. GEO5 Demo is also available in other languages.
11 Mar 2008
New GEO5 program Redi Rock Wall for retaining wall design has been developed for Redi Rock Inc., USA.