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Edit reinforcement - general cross-section

The arbitrary reinforcement for general cross-section may be specified in this window. There are three basic ways of reinforcement input that may be combined: batched input with the help of the button "Generate", graphical input in the workspace and numerical input using the coordinates of bars. Reinforcement may be also imported from *.dxf file.

Automatic generation

The bars may be entered in an automatic way with the help of the window "Edit reinforcement" that may be launched by the button in the left bottom corner of the window. Any existing reinforcement is deleted when adding the new bars from that window.

Numerical input

New bars may be entered numerically with the help of table "General reinforcement" in the left part of the window. The input is performed in the window "Edit reinforcement" that may be launched by the button "Add" in the toolbar under the table. Modifications and deletion may be done with the help of the buttons "Edit" a "Remove".

Graphical input

The new bars may be also specified on the workspace in the right part of the window. The appropriate mode may be selected in the toolbar "Edit". The new bars may be added by the cursor in the mode "Add". The bar diameter may be specified in the input field on the right side of the toolbar. The window "Edit reinforcement" with bar properties (position, diameter) can be launched for existing bar after clicking on the bar in the mode "Edit". Mode "Remove" deletes the existing bars after clicking on them. The tools from toolbars "Selections" and "Scale" may be helpful during the work.

Import of reinforcement

Position and diameter of the reinforcement may be imported from the *.dxf file using the button "Import" in the left bottom corner of the window. All circles with diameters up to 50mm are automatically recognized as reinforcement bars. The origin of the coordinate system has to be respected when preparing the input file. The dedicated window is shown during the import of *.dxf file. User is able to switch on/off certain layers in the file and specify the input units.


Required cover of longitudinal reinforcement can be calculated in this part. these options are available:

Minimum cover

  • The minimum cover calculated in the window "Reinforcement cover" will be used. The calculation in this window can be changed after clicking on the button "Minimum cover".

Minimum cover and stirrups

  • The sum of stirrups' diameter (specified in part "Shear reinforcement") and minimum cover calculated in the window "Reinforcement cover" will be used. The calculation in this window can be changed after clicking on the button "Minimum cover".

User defined cover

  • The user defined value of the reinforcement cover can be specified for this option.

Button "Check of cover" runs the control of minimum cover for the bar.


Bottom part of the window shows the verification of structural rules (described in the chapter "Structural rules"). Bottom edge of the window shows the value "Utilization by bending" that shows actual result of longitudinal reinforcement verification. This value is updated automatically adfter any change in the reinforcement input.

Tools for the work with reinforcement

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