Pile Shaft Resistance
Pile shaft resistance for non-cohesive soils is given by:
where: | Kj | - | coefficient of lateral earth pressure in the jth layer |
σef, j | - | effective strength of soil in the jth layer | |
δj | - | pile skin friction angle (between pile material and surrounding soil in the jth layer) | |
Asj | - | area of the pile shaft in the jth layer |
The lateral earth pressure coefficient K is back calculated by the program, however, its values can be manually modified in the "Add new soils" dialog window.
For cohesive soils, the following expression holds:
where: | αj | - | skin friction coefficient in the jth layer |
cu, j | - | undrained cohesion in the jth layer | |
Asj | - | area of the pile shaft in the jth layer |